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Director: Pauline Poyser MBPsS/CQSW/BSc/PCLMSW
Let's Talk
Multiskill Consultancy Limited
T: 07557 442 977
Freephone: 0800 047 6727
Pricing depends on the given quotation
First 30 minutes of any consultation free
"An inclusive approach includes learning, sharing, impacting , reflecting and looking ahead"
Pauline Poyser has 29 years of experience working in Social Care within various Local Authorities including the Probation Service. She has also worked for CAFCASS as a Practitioner and Service Manager.
Her recent assignment has involved working with a Local Authoity which OFSTED judged as requiring improvement. With her experience in change management and quality assurance, she was able to make a positve impact on the OFSTED inspection by achieving improved outcomes.
Her extensive knowledge of policies, procedures and laws relating to children and families is a result
of her experience and studies at various institutions. These universities include: East London, East Anglia, London Metropolitan and Birmingham.
Connecting Services For Better Outcomes
Freephone: 0800 047 6727
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